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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

WATCH: How bespoke performances foster connections among older adults in the San Francisco area

Arts and culture foster a sense of community among generations in the San Francisco Bay area, through “For You,” a group that creates and shares performance as a gift to be enjoyed by a specific person. Its founders launched “Artists & Elders” during the pandemic to connect artists to isolated older adults who face a higher risk of developing serious health issues.
In this episode of Brief but Spectacular, Erika Chong Shuch, Rowena Richie and Ryan Tacata reflect on the experiences they have crafted for elders and describe the relationships that have evolved from tossing together total strangers.
It’s one story from our Brief But Spectacular collection, The New Longevity.
Supported by: Cambia Health Foundation supports the well-being of older adults by funding solutions that reduce isolation and loneliness, strengthen social connectivity, and increase behavioral health access within whole-person health models. Learn more at
